Grammy and Grampy are out of town visiting Grandpa and Tom in Florida. Mom says that's where she is from- but I don't believe her. She's an Ohioan, just like me.
Since Gram and Gramps are in Florida, I get to play with Winston! He's been at our house since Sunday night. Mom says Winston staying with us is my Easter basket that keeps on giving (all week long).
Winston is old, I know this. Every time he comes over he moves rather slow, but he always plays with me for a while. When Grammy was giving Mom her instructions for the week, I heard her say, "Winston isn't doing well, he can't make it up stairs without help. He isn't eating much- just keep an eye on him".
I know she told mom this, but it was like she was telling me these things too!
When Winston came into the house, he wasn't as excited as he normally is. He came upstairs with me and mom, but he didn't move really fast. I didn't understand- where is my faster (but still slow) moving friend? When he couldn't come up the stairs, I ran down them and gave him a little nudge in the butt.
"Come on Winston", mom said at the top of the stairs. But, he just turned around and stayed on the first floor. I turned around with him and waited for mom to come back down. I didn't want him to feel bad that he couldn't make it up the stairs.
Winston hasn't wanted to play much- every night I bring out my toys, and wiggle my tail. He only barks for a few minutes, but doesn't play back! To get him in the playful mood, I toss a toy to him (he'd watch it) and I'd jump over him. That usually gets him excited, at least for a few minutes!
He didn't want to play last night at all. He kept growling at me when I tried to get him to play with me, so I did what any smart dog would- I grabbed all my toys and made a pile.
Then I sat on my toy pile, wiggling my tail the whole time. Winston just looked at me as if to say, "your too young to understand".
Seems that Winston gets really stiff during the night and needs a few minutes in the morning to stretch before going down the back yard steps. This morning Winston went down the steps, but couldn't get back up.
He barked. I walked over to him, "You okay?" "I can't get up the stairs. I need help" he said to me. This was my chance to let Winston know I was his bestest friend ever, I flew up the stairs like Super Man- and started barking and whining until Mom came out.
I saw him move his back right foot, but he just couldn't get it up. I moved to the bottom of the steps to give him a nudge, but it didn't help. I whined for mom to stop clapping and give him a boost.
Mom really is a super woman. She went behind him and lifted him up one step, to see if he could walk up the rest. Again, he tried with his back foot, but nothing. It was raining, so mom picked him up and brought him up into the house.
Winston was so happy to be back inside, mom gave both of us cookies and we went back to sleep. Just another day in the life of Winston and Jack :)
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