I (Erin, Jack's 'person') update his blog just about everyday; never really knowing if people read it (which I hope they would) or enjoy it (which I hope they do). Because of all the writing I do, so many people tell me, "Erin, you should write children's books!". I think of that possibilty and I get all excited inside. Why?
a) I have never been a scholar. I have no interest in taking tests (normally I didn't pass them)
b) I like doing things my own way
c) After always enjoying writing stories, maybe I actually do have a knack for it?
d) Writing about things that I know (i.e., Jack) make me happy. My happiness seems to come across to my readers, which makes them happy
e) I could actually work in my pajamas
f) Gosh, wouldn't it just be so much fun to write children's books??
Diana, my mother in law, is a first grade teacher. She read her class the entry I wrote called, "I had a sleep over!" to her class who enjoyed it thoroughly. This got me thinking- what else could I write about with Jack being the main 'hero'?
Here is the list I came up with:
- Adventures of Jack in obedience school
- Adventures of Jack at the lake
- Adventures of Jack in the bath tub
- Adventures of Jack making new friends
- Adventures of Jack being an only puggle
- Adventures of Jack sharing Mom and Dad
- Adventures of Jack and his cousins
- Adventures of Jack at work
And that is just some of what I can remember from the list I made the other night. How fun though. I can write a whole kids series of books using 'The Adventures of Jack...' of course since I tend to embellish stories a little, they will be lots of fun for kids to read and parents to read to their kids!
Kind of like a younger, more tame Marley (from Marley and Me) but specifically geared towards kids?! Who knows...just a thought that I play around with in my head :)
I think that is an absolutely fabulous, wonderful idea! i read your post and think "WHAT an imagination!" LOL it's a natural talent, capitalize on that! :-)